Periods Uncovered: Everything You Need to Know About Menstruation

5 întrebări frecvente despre menstruație

5 frequently asked questions about menstruation

We discuss when your period comes, explain what blood clots are, how a menstrual cycle manifests itself during pregnancy, and conclude with the topic of "menstrual sex".

5 frequently asked questions about menstruation

We discuss when your period comes, explain what blood clots are, how a menstrual cycle manifests itself during pregnancy, and conclude with the topic of "menstrual sex".

4 remedii naturale | Libréa x Madalina Ulmeanu

4 natural remedies | Libréa x Madalina Ulmeanu

Discover together with Mădălina Ulmeanu, expert in phytotherapy and aromatherapy, remedies for cramps, heavy flow, fatigue, mood swings and others!

4 natural remedies | Libréa x Madalina Ulmeanu

Discover together with Mădălina Ulmeanu, expert in phytotherapy and aromatherapy, remedies for cramps, heavy flow, fatigue, mood swings and others!

Ce este menstruația ? No tabu!

What is menstruation? No taboo!

Menstruation is still a taboo subject for many women in Romania. How much blood am I losing? Can I get pregnant? How can I get rid of cramps? Everything you...

What is menstruation? No taboo!

Menstruation is still a taboo subject for many women in Romania. How much blood am I losing? Can I get pregnant? How can I get rid of cramps? Everything you...